New Companies and Trusts

Companies and trusts are the ideal vehicles for running businesses and owning investments. They can have asset protection advantages – If you get sued or get into financial difficulties, the right structure may mean that you won’t lose everything. The right structure may also have tax benefits, potentially saving you money.

I offer fixed priced entity formation services. This involves meetings to discuss the right structure for you, preparation of all relevent documentation (eg trust deeds, company constitutions, shareholders applications and certificates) and preparation and lodgment of all tax office registrations (eg TFN, ABN, GST, PAYGW). I outsource the preparation of some of the documentation to a leading law firm, so you can be assured that everything is up to date and take into account any new asset protection or taxation issues.
[titled_box title=”Discretionary Trust” align=”center”]
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$950.00[span style=”font-size:14px”][/span]

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  • Meeting to discuss the set-up of the trust
  • Drawing of the trust deeds by leading solicitors
  • Provision of 5 copies of the trust deed supplied in a fully-indexed Trust Register
  • Inclusion of all necessary internal documentation
  • Where appropriate TFN, ABN, GST, PAYGW & FBT Registration

[button link=”” size=”large” align=”center”]Get Started[/button] [/titled_box]
[titled_box title=”Company” align=”center”]
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$1450.00[span style=”font-size:14px”][/span]

[fancy_list type = “check_list”]

  • Meeting to discuss the set-up of the company
  • Drawing of the company constitution by leading solicitors
  • Provision of 5 copies of the constitution supplied in a fully-indexed Trust Register
  • Inclusion of all necessary internal documentation
  • Where appropriate TFN, ABN, GST, PAYGW & FBT Registration

[button link=”” size=”large” align=”center”]Get Started[/button]
[titled_box title=”SMSF” align=”center”]
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$1150.00[span style=”font-size:14px”][/span]

[fancy_list type = “check_list”]

  • Meeting to discuss the set-up of the SMSF
  • Drawing of the trust deeds by leading solicitors
  • Provision of 5 copies of the trust deed supplied in a fully-indexed Trust Register
  • Inclusion of all necessary internal documentation
  • Where appropriate TFN, ABN, GST, PAYGW & FBT Registration

[button link=”” size=”large” align=”center”]Get Started[/button] [/titled_box] [/one_third_last] [divider_padding]
In addition to formation services, I can also assist with the ongoing maintenance of your entities. This includes company registered agent services and changes to your company (eg updating addresses, changing shareholders).

Please call if you’d like to discuss new entities further.

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